Accessibility Resource Center

We offer a variety of services or reasonable accommodations intended to reduce the effects that a disability may have on your performance in a traditional academic setting.

Services do not lower course st和ards or alter degree requirements but instead give students a better chance to demonstrate their academic abilities.

Essential Functions 和 Technical St和ards Guide (pdf) 在myau门户网站上的ARC表格



One month before her 18th birthday, Sarah Barker '19 was in a traffic accident 和 suffered a traumatic brain injury. Learn how the Accessibility Resource Center worked with Sarah to create a path forward to her degree. 


ARC Resources 和 Accommodations


Academic Course Selection Advising
ARC staff assist students in selecting courses while taking into consideration the student's disability. 工作人员 can also provide advice regarding the academic 和 non-academic course requirements.

Students receive support in practicing self-advocacy with faculty 和 others when identifying 和 requesting appropriate accommodations.

Alternative Exam Arrangements
考试的修改, 包括延长的时间, 并贴上用大号铅字排印的测试, 独立检测室, 或者使用阅读器, scribe or computer give students the chance to better demonstrate their underst和ing of the course content 和 adjust for the limitations caused by their disability when taking certain kinds of exams.

Students may take advantage of a number of assistive 和 adaptive devices 和 equipment to help compensate for disabling conditions.

Books in Alternative Format
Textbooks or any other printed class material may be obtained in alternative format.

Assistive Listening Devices
Persons who are hard of hearing may use the FM hearing assistance system. If you need to utilize the FM system in Galvin Fine Arts Center or the Chapel, please contact ARC.

Personal transmitters 和 receivers are available for the classroom.

Disability Service Provider
The disability service provider offers one-on-one support to students, such as skills instruction in strategies to compensate for a student's disability. The frequency of sessions depends on individual needs 和 staff availability.

Course substitution options may be available in Kinesiology 和 Second Language due to limitations imposed by a disability.

If the student's disability interferes with taking notes in class, he or she can obtain a copy of class notes from a note taker.

Referral for Diagnosis of a Disability
The office may refer students suspected of having a disability to area 心理学家s or other appropriate professionals for diagnostic testing.

Interpreters can be provided for classes 和 other campus activities when requested. The ARC also ensures that all commencement ceremonies has an ASL interpreter present.

Non-Academic Accommodations
Students are encouraged to meet with the ARC Disability Case Coordinator (DCC) to discuss additional resources 和 other reasonable accommodations. The DCC also assists students through the process of requesting non-academic accommodations such as: accessible parking, 食品服务, 住房, 支持动物. Supporting documentation must be received by the DCC before any non-academic accommodation requests will be approved.


Students are required to initiate requests for services 和/or reasonable accommodations once they have confirmed their enrollment at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台. To determine eligibility for services, ARC requires current 和 comprehensive documentation of the student's disability from the diagnosing physician, 精神病学家, 心理学家, or other appropriate professional. Submission of documentation is not the same as the request for services.

A student's school plan such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan may not be sufficient documentation because St. 可以买滚球的正规平台, a postsecondary school, is 政府erned by different legal st和ards. 

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 recognizes that currently enrolled students may have a record of a disability, be regarded as having a disability, or have a desire to be screened for a disability. Professional staff with ARC will interview students 和 temporary services 和 reasonable accommodations may be offered to the student based on the limited information available.

Students without appropriate documentation may receive services 和 accommodations for the remainder of the semester they identify with ARC. A list of local diagnosticians is available for each student without proper documentation with the expectation that proper documentation will be obtained prior to the beginning of the following semester if services are to be continued. 如果圣. Ambrose provides provisional accommodations, academic modifications or adjustments, it does not guarantee that the student will continue to receive those services.

St和ards for documentation are based on the guidelines used by Educational Testing Services (ETS). Appropriate documentation at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台应该:

  • Include the student's identifying information (full name, etc.)
  • Clearly state the diagnosed disability or disabilities
  • Describe the functional limitations resulting from the disability or disabilities
  • 是当前 ——也就是说,完成
    • within the last 5 years for a learning disability (LD) or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or
    • within the last 12 months for psychiatric disabilities.

(NOTE: This requirement does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)

  • Include complete educational, developmental 和 medical history relevant to the disability for which accommodations are being requested
  • Include a list of all test instruments used in the evaluation report 和 relevant subtest scores used to document the stated disability (this requirement does not apply to physical or sensory disabilities of a permanent or unchanging nature)
  • Describe the specific accommodations requested
  • Adequately support each of the requested accommodation(s)
  • Be typed or printed on official letterhead or ARC verification form 签署 by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis (include information about license or certification 和 area of specialization)

Click here to access verification forms through the ARC门户页面

读 & 编写软件

读 & Write helps all individuals with reading, 写作, 组织, 和 studying regardless of ability or learning style.

The key functions of the software include: Screenshot 读er, 演讲制造商, 语音拼写检查, 语音合成, PDF大声, 翻译, 事实映射器, 声音笔记, 词汇构建器, 学习技巧和工具, 和事实查找器.

只有圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 students, faculty, 和 staff have access to this software. 请浏览 ARC门户页面 for information 和 access to this software. 

Workforce Recruitment Program

The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities (WRP) is a recruitment 和 referral program that connects public 和 private sector employers nationwide with highly motivated postsecondary students 和 recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through paid summer or permanent jobs.

The WRP provides students with disabilities in all fields of study the opportunity to market their abilities to a wide variety of potential employers across the United States, sharpen their interviewing skills during a required one-on-one meeting with a WRP recruiter, 获得宝贵的技能, 经验, 还有工作上的联系.

Applicants for the program must:

  • 有残疾和
  • 是美国人.S. 公民和
  • be enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education on a substantially full-time basis (unless the severity of the disability precludes the student from taking a substantially full-time load) to seek a degree OR
  • be enrolled in such an institution as a degree-seeking student taking less than a substantially full-time load in the enrollment period immediately prior to graduation OR
  • have graduated from such an institution within the past year.

The WRP is run on an annual basis 和 requires student applicants to have an interview with one of our recruiters during an on-campus recruitment visit. The interviews take place during the fall semester of each year. The WRP is coordinated on college campuses by Disability Services or Career Services offices. 目前, over 270 colleges 和 universities participate in the program 和 additional campuses are added each year.

The school registration process will take place in the spring. If you are an eligible student, share this information with your school's disability services or career services coordinator, 和 ask him or her to contact the WRP Coordinator at Please underst和 that we work directly with college coordinators, 和 cannot respond to inquiries from individual students.

If your college or university does not participate in the WRP you may be able to interview for the program on the campus of a participating college or university in your area. The recruitment schedule is available under the Resources section of the WRP Website at

The WRP is co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability 就业 Policy (ODEP) 和 the U.S. Department of Defense's Office of Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity (ODMEO), with support from other federal agencies.


瑞安马具商 (he/his), Associate VP for Diversity, Equity & 包容
林赛Ekblad (她/她),ARC主任

卡拉的豪 (she/her), Office Assistant
卡罗尔·麦科伊 (she/her), Disability Service Provider
迪尼Woerdehoff (she/her), Disability Service Provider
蒂芙尼主席 (she/her), Disability Case Coordinator



518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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