International Business

我们的国际商务学生不往下看,他们向前看. 他们带着指导企业在亚洲扩张或使当地企业在国际上取得成功的技能,一头冲进世界.

It takes strong ethics, deep respect for cultures, 以及领导瞬息万变的全球经济的技能. At SAU, you get a bold, and broad, 商业教育,让你探索和贡献世界经济.

Our graduates work at John Deere Construction Forestry Division, U.S. Department of Defense, Rockwell International, Career Education Association, Walt Disney World, and others.

Ambrose Advantages

  • Immerse Yourself In Global Economy
  • Expansive Education: Here and Abroad
  • Learn to Navigate Economies & Current Events

students in class

students in library

campus buildings

你们认为世界有无限的潜力,我们也在你们身上看到了这一点. 我们认可你们的经商本领,认可你们理解世界及其经济的动力——以及你们想要如何做出贡献. At St. Ambrose, courses build your skills and abilities, 我们的教师鼓励和支持你在校园和国外的目标.



What Will I learn?

我们的课程涵盖全球主题的广度和深度, managing across cultures, 以及管理课程的基本基础, finance, and economics.

鼓励你深入研究感兴趣的话题, integrate across fields, and engage in real-time projects.


然后,我们向你介绍教科书和课堂讨论. 国际商务专业的学生花八周或更长时间沉浸在 study abroad. Or, 做一次短途旅行,完成一个50小时的移民服务项目,还是做一个50小时的国际商业实习.

Click here to search our Study Abroad programs.

The SAU College of Business 与迪尔 & Co., KONE, HON, 同时也与当地的公司和企业家进行合作,这些公司和企业家正在寻找能够推动全球经济增长和变革的专业人士. 有了这些关系,你就有了拓展人脉、实习和工作的绝佳机会.

Study Abroad


你可以在另一个国家学习一个学期的长期或短期的海外学习项目(有一些在春假和寒假期间提供)。. No matter the duration, 这些旅行加深了你的专业教育,同时为毕业赢得学分.

也有机会通过交流项目、海外实习或志愿服务. 出国留学的限制只是你为自己设定的! SAU students have studied in Italy, Costa Rica, Australia, Korea, United Kingdom, Spain, Ecuador, Japan, Germany, Peru, Cyprus, Croatia, Belize, Canada, Chile, and more.

从国外留学地点归来的SAU学生谈论他们的生活改变-个人, emotionally, culturally, and academically.

Click here to search our Study Abroad programs, and for general information click here.

What are some potential career outcomes?

由于对国际惯例的深入了解,我们的毕业生通常都能从初级职位晋升到更高的职位, foreign policy and more. 职业机会包括国际营销专家, consultant, job analyst, and product manager.

Here's the bonus. 你在国际商务专业获得的技能在其他工作领域非常有价值, too, including banking, manufacturing, transportation, retail, hospitality, and entertainment. 

我们的大多数毕业生都能轻松找到理想的工作. A recent survey showed 96% of SAU College of Business graduates were employed full- or part-time, in graduate school, continuing their education, or weren't seeking employment at the time.

Peace Corps Prep

如果你的未来计划包括服务,我们是爱荷华州为数不多的提供服务的大学之一 Peace Corps Prep, 这个项目可以让你在和平队或其他服务项目的志愿者职位中成为更有力的候选人. 你将获得雇主所看重的技能和文化世界观, 大多数学生可以获得证书-颁发的 Peace Corps – without taking extra courses.


What have alumni of this program done?
  • Austin Slater '15是Geneseo哈蒙德-亨利医院的人力资源通才. 在可以买滚球的正规平台,奥斯汀充分利用了可以买滚球的正规平台不断扩大的海外留学项目. He traveled to Japan, Italy, and Brazil.
  • Patricia Tracy '15是芝加哥Tripp Lite的国际营销实习生.
  • Phil Reges是CRST International的运营总监.

Degree Requirements


ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II
BUS 201 Legal Environment of Business
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 331 International Economics
FNCE 300 Principles of Finance
INTL 370 International Field Experience
INTL 372 Business Across Cultures
INTL 400国际体验作品集(1学分)
数学191/STBE 137商业中的定量推理
MGMT 210 Principles of Management
MGMT 353 Global Supply Chain Logistics
MGMT 449 Strategic Management & Policy
MKTG 209 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 349 International Marketing
PHIL 305 Business Ethics
STBE 237 Statistics for Business and Economics

PSCI 309 International Politics
PSCI 316 International Law

Culture and World Regions (take one):
COMM 340 Global Communications
HIST 211 Asia
HIST 217 Modern Europe
IS 310 Advanced Topics in Culture



Plan to Graduate



Year One

Fall SemesterCreditsSpring SemesterCredits
STBE 137 3 ECON 202 3
MGMT 210 3 Elective 3
ENGL 101 Composition 3 COMM 203 Interpersonal Communication 3
THEO 100-200 3 PHIL 100-200 3
Humanities 3 ACCT 201 1
NSS 1 IL 101 Infolit

Year Two

Spring SemesterCreditsFall SemesterCredits
ECON 201 3 STBE 237 3
BUS 201 3 Electives 6
MKTG 209 3 FNCE 300 3
KIN Activity 1 KIN 149 1
Foreign Language 101 3 Foreign Language 102 3
ACCT 202 3

Year Three

Fall SemesterCreditsSpring SemesterCredits
INTL 372 Business Across Cultures 3 INTL Elective/Foreign Language 202 3
Elective/Foreign Language 201 3 MKTG 349 International Marketing 3
INTL Elective 3 Humanities 3
Natural Science 3 PHIL/THEO elective 3
Creative Arts 3
INTL 400 1

Year Four

Fall SemesterCreditsSpring SemesterCredits
MGMT 353 Global Supply Chain Logistics 3 INTL 370 Int'l Field Experience 3
ECON 331 Int'l Economics 3 WI-MGMT 449 Strategic Mgmt 3
Electives 9 Electives 7

WI=writing intensive

Minor in Global Business (18 credits)

INTL 372, MKTG 349, ECON 202, MGMT 353

Take 1 of the following: PSCI 309, 316, or 319

Take 1 of the following: COMM 340, HIST 211, 217, or IS 310

Tony Villasenor '11, '13 MBA

托尼探索和体验世界的动力在圣. Ambrose. 同时攻读国际商务和西班牙语的本科学位, he was required to study abroad. Tony chose Barcelona. "It was a semester-long trip. At first, I thought it would be too long. In the end, it was too short," he says. “我喜欢学习,了解人们来自哪里,了解他们的文化和经历. 能够与来自世界各地的人交流真的推动了我的事业."

Read Tony's Story

Katie Zorn

Bachelor of Arts in Accounting, International Business, and Theology,Cost Accountant at HNI Corporation in Cedartown, Georgia,Class of 2015

当凯蒂谈到她在可以买滚球的正规平台的经历时,她描述了一个重视学术的正规买球平台有哪些, professionalism, spiritual life, and personal growth. With us, 你将得到一个根植于文科和天主教知识传统的教育, 还有很多机会去发现你的人生之路.

See My Story

Apply Visit Info


College of Business
McMullen Hall
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

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